First Supernatural Con of 2024 comes to Burbank!

This year the powers that be put a Supernatural convention during my spring break – yay! That meant I was able to travel to California, spend some time with my daughter in the Bay area, then take a short flight to Burbank for the con.  The hotel is one of my all time favorite con hotels, with a lovely pool and a spacious outdoor dining restaurant right there between the con area and the hotel itself. It was the perfect place to gather and have a drink and a bite in between panels and events, which was great because I got to reconnect with some friends I haven’t seen in far too long.

I also met alot of wonderful new people and fans of Supernatural – and of The Boys, including this mini Homelander who was adorable!

Shout out to everyone who came to say hi in the vendor room and picked up a copy of one of the books with chapters by the Supernatural actors and fans, Family Don’t End With Blood and There’ll Be  Peace When You Are Done – or everyone who just stopped by to tell me they’d already read them and enjoyed them!  We were also able to bring the new book on ‘The Boys’ to this con – let me know what you think if you picked one of those up. It should catch you up and get you ready for Season 4 in a few months – can’t wait!

There was a substantial break in between the last convention of 2023 back in December and this one in mid March – so everyone was extra happy to be reunited, both fans and cast. And we were treated to some guests we hadn’t seen in far longer than that!

I inevitably miss a few people thanks to working in the vendor room, but I managed to catch quite a few this time – It was wonderful to have Lisa Berry back at a con. She talked about how she was already a passionate Supernatural fan when she was cast on the show, and then finding out there were so many other passionate fans! She enjoyed fans’ complicated canon questions because she is a fan herself.

Lisa: In my incarnation of Billie, she was always right next to Death.

Her character was continually frustrated with Sam and Dean.

Lisa: Billie’s whole thing with the Winchesters is that they always kept coming back to life. Now fangirl Lisa, she was like YES!

Favorite line?

Lisa: Hey.

It’s true, she could give Billie one word to say and it would come out memorable. She said that sometimes she was flown into Vancouver just to turn around to the camera and say ‘hey’!

One of her favorite scenes was the one in the library with Dean, with all the books.

Lisa: Jensen was so generous in that scene – everyone there is, so it’s safe to play.

A fan stepped up to the mic and shared that she had an AKF tattoo.

Lisa: That’s awesome – and yes please do (always keep fighting)!

It was also wonderful to have Matt Cohen back at conventions. I came into the ballroom a little late and Matt was standing in front of the stage and when I walked up the center aisle, he swept me into a hug to say it was good to see me – not a bad way to start the day! He made his way around the entire ballroom to greet everyone he possibly could. It was early so it wasn’t all that crowded, but the people who were there were treated to a great panel.

It does, however, mean that I hardly got any photos of Matt as he walked around.

Matt: There’s no better place to be in terms of diversity and acceptance than the SPNFamily.

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Happy Birthday Jensen Ackles! Here’s to 46!

Every year when March 1st rolls around and it’s Jensen Ackles’ birthday once again, I find myself feeling grateful that the man who brought to life two of my favorite fictional characters ever (aka Dean Winchester and Soldier Boy) is happy and healthy and enriching our lives with his creative presence. This year is no exception – whether it was playing a part as a talented actor, entertaining us at a convention, showing off his great form at the golf course, hyping some Supe Juice at the brewery or just selfies with family, friends and fans, I’m grateful for everything he shared with us this past year.

So let’s celebrate Jensen Ackles heading into his 46th year with a little look back at some of the highlights of his 45th!

March was the finale of The Winchesters, which saw the return of Dean Winchester, defying the laws of God (Chuck) and time to defeat an enemy threatening an alternate universe John and Mary – and ultimately Dean’s little brother, still alive in the universe of Supernatural we know and love. We all know Dean will do whatever it takes to save Sam, and he proved it once again – even after he was already settled into Heaven!

The spring saw Jensen roadtripping across the country with Clif to join his family in a new house in Connecticut, which gave us some travel glimpses along the way. Hopefully they’re having a blast renovating the house and enjoying the East coast weather for a change of pace.

In the spring, I was lucky enough to go to some conventions in the US, including the one in New Orleans in May. One of my favorite cities in the world.

Jensen showed off his “model poses” much to everyone’s amusement.

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Happy Birthday Dean Winchester, 2024 Style!

It’s January 24, 2024. This is the fourth January 24th without Supernatural, and you might think that Dean Winchester’s birthday would no longer be important. That maybe it might be a day like any other, without recognition or celebration. That surely the fandom would have moved on by now.

But you’d be wrong. And I am SO grateful!

It’s been a week of the hashtag #HappyBirthdayDeanWeek with fans recalling our favorite Dean moments each day. That means my timeline has been extra awesome, because I still can’t think of anything I’d rather be thinking about (and seeing) than Dean Winchester.  It’s really saying something about how complex both the character and the portrayal were that fandom has continued to disagree about his motivations and personality traits, his heroism and his failures, who he loves and what he values and who he wants to be, right on through the end of the show and going on four years later. There’s still brand new fanfic being written with Dean Winchester in a starring (or co-starring) role and there are still fan conventions that draw thousands of people and elicit questions about the show and the character. And again, I’m so grateful.

I’m also thankful that the gifted actor how brought him to life continues to love Dean Winchester too – and to keep him safe, as he said, “right here with me.”  Jensen’s insights in the book There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done include what he misses about Dean his badassery, his humility, his vulnerability.

Jensen: It has been a privilege to play a character like Dean who has inspired so many people, because any excuse to give up is not an excuse that is good enough for the Winchesters. This is who they are. They fought because they believed in what they were fighting for, and that’s a part of the show that people connect with—to keep fighting the good fight, not giving up because the odds are stacked against you. Supernatural embodies that kind of resilience. I think Dean’s legacy is that he never gives up. He keeps fighting no matter what. The show carries the message to always keep fighting for each other, and that has inspired the fandom to keep fighting too, whatever fight they are facing.

He has also said he didn’t think he would ever say goodbye to Dean Winchester – that for him and for Jared Padalecki, the characters are woven into the fabric of their makeup and who they are as individuals.

Over the past year, both Jared and Jensen have talked about how much they’d like to bring back Sam and Dean and Supernatural. A limited series, a movie, a reboot of some kind. Maybe a chance to explore that “sweet spot” between besting Chuck and that fateful day in the barn. Maybe a “we’re needed” hiatus from Heaven. Some fans are concerned that any continuation of the series might mess with the canon that is awesome the way it is, or that the quality might be closer to late seasons inconsistency than early seasons artistry. I share those concerns but I would happily take the risk to have the Winchester brothers back!

The industry is all over the place right now, so who knows if it will be possible, but it’s a comfort to me knowing that Jensen and Jared want them back too. I’ve loved their other work – I’m about to mail Jensen his contributor copy of the new book, Supes Ain’t Always Heroes, which takes a deep dive into The Boys and Soldier Boy (including Jensen’s insights into that fascinating character). So clearly I love that show and character too!

But I will always miss Dean Winchester. Always.

Here are my favorite moments that I tweeted for this past week’s celebration. Isn’t it obvious why I am quite sure there will never be another character like Dean Winchester??

Day One – Fave young Dean childhood memory

I chose A Very Supernatural Christmas, the moment when Sam gifts Dean the Samulet. I vividly remember watching that episode when it aired and being so emotional. We knew Dean’s amulet well by then – I think I even owned a replica – but we didn’t know its backstory. To find out that it had been special to the brothers since their childhood, that it symbolized how they stuck together and had each other’s backs since they were little, often the two of them against the world – that made the amulet even more special.

Day Two – Fave comedic Dean moment

There are SO many to choose from, but I think the time I’ve laughed the hardest in this entire series is during the “bad acting” scene in The French Mistake. Dean’s FACE! That whole episode is a showcase for the comedic acting chops of Jared, Jensen and Misha – they are all beyond brilliant, including in this scene. Even though I’ve seen it countless times, I STILL cannot watch it without laughing out loud.

Though alot of other hilarious moments come to mind too…

Day Three – Fave action moment

I’ll sound like a broken record if I keep saying “there are so many” but….

For this, I chose one of the earlier Dean moments that made a huge impact. The end of Season 2, when there had been so much build up to the Winchesters trying to kill the Yellow Eyed Demon who destroyed their lives, and so much heartbreak when Sam was killed (and then resurrected), that the final showdown felt amazing. And when Dean aimed his gun and that bullet flew? DAYUM. Talk about Dean Winchester badassery. No wonder Jensen missed that aspect of playing Dean!

There were a few runners up that I saw on my timeline this week too, with good reason! That Reverse 180? Is it hot in here?

Day Four – Fave emotional moment

Broken record again, but seriously, the emotional moments are what really made me fall in love with this Show.

So I’ll choose one of the emotional moments that did that – that sealed the deal and landed me here, 16 years later, still missing Dean Winchester. It’s the scene at the end of Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things, when Dean pulls the Impala over on a gorgeous mountainside and opens up to Sam about how he’s really feeling. I remember watching it and the papers I was grading (yes, with a pen, it was a long time ago) just sliding right off my lap onto the floor as I stared open mouthed. This show – this character – I realized, was so much more than a little horror show on the CW. Holy shit, it was SO much more! All the kudos to Jensen for showing us just how deeply Dean Winchester feels, and to Eric Kripke for writing him that way.

Runner up was this scene that many others chose – one of the first times that Dean makes himself vulnerable, admitting to Sam that what he longs for, more than anything, is for them to be a family again. Kim Manners talked about how Jensen struggled with that scene, but as always – maybe because of that struggle – it ended up being incredibly moving and powerful.

Day Five – Fave inspirational Dean moment

This was a harder one, because (like Jensen) I find Dean inspiring in many ways, including his refusal to give up, his determination to Always Keep Fighting, his loyalty to his friends, and his unwavering support of his little brother.

There are many moments when Dean proves his love to Sam and the lengths he’s willing to go to in order to protect his family, and they all inspire me. Sure, the Winchesters probably shouldn’t sell their souls for each other or let the world burn to save the other, but that’s what’s so great about fictional characters – they are so damn compelling even when in real life that might not be a great idea. Or, you know, super healthy. But it’s so much of what I love about this show and this character. This is one of my favorite ones, when Dean lays it all out for Sam to save him from finishing the trials – and dying.

Day Six –

Fave moment of chemistry with another person

Call it Sam and Dean or call it Jared and Jensen, but the chemistry they’ve had since day one is what is widely acknowledged as the secret sauce to the show’s success. They have chemistry when they’re teasing each other like every annoying sibling ever, who nevertheless would have your back no matter what.

They have chemistry when they’re doing what they do (hunting) and they have chemistry when they’ve got each other’s backs. They’re so in sync sometimes they fall into step without even realizing it.

They have chemistry on the show and chemistry on the gag reels and chemistry at conventions.

From the very first season to the very last.

No wonder I miss watching them so much!

The last day is post whatever you want, so I’ll just close with a few Dean moments that make me smile. Sam and Dean belting out Night Moves driving along in Baby, a rare moment of pure fun, the two of them on the road in the car that was always home.

Dean and Cas sharing a drink and a laugh, another rare moment when the universe wasn’t on the verge of falling apart (at that very moment) and Dean could take the time to relax and enjoy Castiel’s company.

Dean mowing the lawn in WIAWSNB, so happy to be doing such a mundane thing. It wasn’t even reality, but somehow that makes it even more poignant. He had so little of “normalcy” and doing that for his mother brought so much joy.

Dean leaping over that fence like it’s nothing… okay, that’s a different kind of smile inspiring. Still, favorite moment, I’m not gonna lie…

Let’s end with this one, another moment of happiness. A morning tradition – an armful of fluffy affectionate Miracle. Sam and Dean having time to actually develop ordinary at-home traditions, what kind of miracle is that? If you can be glad for a fictional character, I’m glad for Dean, that he had all that.

If you’re missing Dean Winchester and Supernatural too, you can read the two books all about why the show and its characters have changed people’s lives, from the perspectives of fans and from the perspectives of the actors who brought them to life so vividly – including Jensen, Jared, Misha and many more. It always makes me happy to read how much they love their characters and the show and the fandom – no coincidence that There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done  ends with Jensen’s chapter and the words:

And let’s be clear. Supernatural will never end. The show might, but what it has built? This will never end. Besides, nothing ever stays dead on Supernatural.

Damn right.

Happy birthday, Dean Winchester.

I hope I get to see you again soon.

Gifs peach-coke, Incastielswings, heytheredean, kendaspntwd, samdeans, roadtripwithmybrother, ambrina, mishaa, theminimoose


You can read Jensen’s thoughts on Dean and

Jared’s thoughts on Sam and many other

actors’ insights in There’ll Be Peace When

You Are Done and Family Don’t End With

Blood (and Jensen’s thoughts on

Soldier Boy in Supes Ain’t Always Heroes)

Links here on the home page!

Last Supernatural Con of 2023 – Nashville!

The last con of the year is always emotional. I am filled with gratitude that we still have these conventions to celebrate a show that’s been off the air for three years, but that I still love dearly. I used to think that for sure they’d be done by now, so every year that we still get to have these fandom reunions with fellow Supernatural fans and the cast feels like a gift. They’ve expanded now to include the actors’ other projects, but the core of the cons is still Supernatural, and I’m thankful.

My friend (and talented photographer) Kim Prior was supposed to come with me, but was sick unfortunately, so I staffed the vendor table mostly by myself – and thus missed a lot of panels that I would have loved to see. On the plus side, this was the first con with Supes Ain’t Always Heroes, our new book on The Boys, so that was exciting to share. And, as is usually the case, there were many friends to catch up with and toast the holiday season and the New Year.

I met up with my friend Sadie on Friday at an amazing little restaurant called Rosemary and The Queen. One of the best things about cons in Nashville is that the food and drink are AMAZING!

All the ambience (their playlist even included some classic Lou Reed!), great drinks and food, and an outdoor patio twinkling with multicolored lights. Some good conversation and what more could you ask? (Stay tuned for more on season 2 of Sadie’s ‘In Defense of Fandom’ podcast coming up)

On Saturday I finally caught a panel – Misha Collins, whose panels I never ever miss. Misha is following the post-SPN tradition of being long-haired and bearded and it’s working well on him just like it is for Jared and Jensen. (Though I’m probably in the minority of being ready for the beards to be gone. Luckily it is not at all up to me!)

Misha’s panel started late, but he promised to pack a lot into a slightly shorter panel – and he did!

He kicked it off with a hug for Rob. Awwww.

As for what’s keeping him busy right now, Misha let us know that he’s writing – something that might be a novel, in fact! (I like to think I kick started his return to writing when he wrote a chapter for ‘Fan Phenomena Supernatural’ almost a decade ago. He also has a heartfelt chapter on fandom in ‘Family Don’t End With Blood’ and of course his beautiful book of poetry and his cookbook.

It was nice to have the strike over and the actors able to talk about their work, past and present.


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Hawaii Supernatural Style – Honolulu Con 2023!

The first time there was a Supernatural convention in Hawaii I decided to be financially responsible and did not go. I’m on the East coast, it’s a long and expensive flight, I’ve been there a few times and while I loved it, I couldn’t use having never been there as a reason to go. So I stayed home, while some of my good friends went.

It was a long weekend of FOMO overload, with my friends – and several of the Supernatural actors too, to my great dismay – texting me to tell me what I was missing. I vowed that if there was ever a con in Hawaii again, I’d start saving my pennies and find a way to make it work. So I was full of anticipation for this convention and to finally return to Hawaii after many years. I was last there on my honeymoon, that should tell you something!

It was also the first convention I’ve gone to in a long time that I wasn’t a vendor, which meant I got to have an actual vacation and spend time with my friends! I love being at cons with the books and meeting people who’ve read Family Don’t End With Blood and There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done and Fangasm who tell me the books have been important to them and an inspiration. I love being a vendor with all the other amazing people in the con “vendor squad”. But I miss the days of being able to just hang out with fellow fans and talk about the shows we love and the cast we appreciate and ooh and ahh over everyone’s photo ops. Some of my favorite things about this con were hanging out in the outdoor space next to the elevators where people congregated in between panels or at the restaurant that was right on the beach and enjoying some delicious food and drink with some of my favorite people. Grateful!

That also meant I didn’t actually catch many panels, so this con report will be briefer than usual. I stopped in California on the way because I can’t fly OVER my daughter’s house without actually visiting her, so I didn’t get there until Friday. Hibachi style dinner at Aoki Teppanyaki Waikiki with friends and then fireworks on the beach at the Hilton Hawaiian Village hotel – perfection!

The hotel itself was gorgeous, with swimming pools and wildlife hanging around the mini habitats, ponds filled with colorful fish and palm trees overhead. It’s the kind of place that makes you never want to leave, which is a feeling I’ve experienced every time I’ve been in Hawaii, no matter how young (or not young) I was at the time.

Some things never change.

And then it was Saturday, which looked like this from my lanai, and like this from the beach.

I couldn’t miss Misha’s panel, so that kicked off panels for me. He wore a beautiful lei and a shirt that he got at a thrift shoppe because it had feathers on it and reminded him of Castiel.

This was the first convention where the cast could talk about their characters and shows again since the strike is over, which made Misha happy.

Misha: OMG we can talk about our shows!!

Misha auctioned off some custom made shoes from the Gotham Knights costume designer to raise funds for Maui.

When that didn’t quite do it, he offered up the shirt on his back to the highest bidder – he then teasingly took it off, only to reveal he had another shirt on under it lol.

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A Special Supernatural DC Con – #KristaCon 2023

DC Con is one of the two conventions that are local for me – that I can drive to. I set out early Friday morning down I95 to DC, or rather to Crystal City, where this con is usually held. On the way, I thought a lot about my good friend and co-author of ‘Fangasm’ and several of my other books on fandom and Supernatural, Kathy Larsen. We fell in love with the show together way back when it began, and fell into fan studies as a result, both of us changing the trajectory of our professional careers to focus on what fandom is all about and why it’s so often wonderful. I needed tissues as I drove, the route familiar because of all the days I drove down to Kathy’s house just outside of DC – to work on research, to go to a convention, to just hang out and watch episodes of Supernatural and squee together. I miss those days. I miss my friend.

So I was already emotional before I even got there. Another fandom friend had experienced a great loss shortly before the con, a tragic accident that took her husband’s life. I was looking forward to hugging her and hoping that she’d find solace at the con and being with her fandom family. I remember when my dad passed away seven years ago – I got the news just as I arrived at a Supernatural convention in San Francisco, and while I was in shock for some of it, there was no better or more supportive place to be. I felt cared for, and loved, and consoled, by both my fellow fans and by the actors, who went out of their way to comfort me. I didn’t even tell them, but somehow they knew. It’s the best part of fandom – especially the SPNFamily – the outpouring of love and support when you need it. I’ve felt it myself, and I hope I’ve helped give it to others who’ve needed it.

This con was about that, about an outpouring of love and support — for my friend and fellow Supernatural fan Krista, who has terminal brain cancer. The con and the SNS were dedicated to her, the actors and the fans expressing their love and gratitude, and saying an emotional goodbye. I still find it hard to believe that she won’t still be sitting there in front of me at the cons, video camera rolling. I’m so grateful we all had a chance to show her how much she’s meant to so many of us.

I first met Krista in 2009 when she started going to Supernatural cons. Over the years, I often sat right behind her, my voice sometimes (unfortunately) in her con videos as I laughed too hard or sang too loud. She contributed some of  her beautiful photos to Family Don’t End With Blood. We shared some fun times over the many years – trips to the original Starbucks and the fish market in Seattle, where Krista showed she knew how to order a fish.

Fun times in Rome at the only JIB I’ve been able to go to.

Dinners out on con evenings.


Krista was kind enough to emcee the book release party for Family Don’t End With Blood in LA, helping make that night incredibly special.

We’ve shared a lot of fun times. And lots and lots of laughs.

So this con, for me, was about celebrating the people I’ve been on this journey with, both from the start and along the way, and feeling incredibly grateful to have them in my life. It was a reminder of how truly special fandom – and especially this fandom – can be. Forget the stupid polls of which ship is better or the purposely inflammatory posts about how the show should have ended. This is what it’s all about.

I was on my own in the vendor room for most of Friday so I didn’t make it into the theater, which was sad because a lot of awesome people were there – Gil McKinney, David Haydn-Jones, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, DJ Qualls, Julian Richings to name a few.  Friday night I went to karaoke, which has been reinvigorated by DJ Qualls and his themed nights. This one was ‘The British Are Coming’, and DJ was dressed perfectly on a stage complete with Big Ben, the Yellow Submarine, and even the lanterns for one if by land two if by sea! Some of the fans’ cosplay was perfection too – and some of the performances!

Saturday and Sunday some lovely friends were able to sit at the vendor table for me sometimes, so I was able to catch some panels – including Misha Collins on Saturday. Like most of the actors, Misha wore his green #KristaCon shirt in honor of Krista. Rob gave him a supportive pat when he came onstage, all of them feeling emotional.

Misha to Krista: Thank you for being such a force of joy and optimism over the years.

That is so very very true.

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Supernatural Charlotte 2023 – AKA Spatula Con!

The Road So Far/ The Road Ahead (aka in my head as Supernatural) con in Charlotte is one of my favorites. It’s an easy ninety minute flight, which I value more and more every single year (and my knee values more every single day) and SO many of my friends planned to be there. It felt a lot like the early days of Supernatural cons, when everyone knew everyone else because there were only a few to go to, so me and my friends were all there at one or the other.

It was clear that this was going to be a fun con because it was also “Spatula Con” – which meant that many fans actually brought spatulas with them, for all kinds of photo fun and shenanigans. (If you’re wondering why, it’s in honor of Jared and Gen’s appearance on Celebrity Family Feud, where the thing they’d bring from the kitchen to the bedroom was – you guessed it – a spatula). Hence, Spatula Con!

It was also gorgeous weather and the con hotel (a brief walk down the hall from the convention center, which made me very very very happy) had a lovely outdoor patio where we could all hang out and eat and drink and be merry. There was a lot of merry at this con!

I was a bit uncertain about how the con itself would go since because of the SAG and WGA strike, the actors can’t talk about any struck work – including the vast majority of their projects. I’m that fan who always has a burning question about the show I love, and is less enthralled by “what’s your favorite color?” type questions, so I wasn’t sure what this would be like. Of course, I should have trusted all these actors – because they can all think on their feet and tell a hilarious story, and that’s pretty much what they did. I laughed my way through most of the panels I saw, and so did the actors!

There inevitably are comments online about drama at every con, but this con was pretty much drama-free for those of us who were there. The fans had fun, the actors had fun, everyone was happy to be able to get together and share some good times and funny stories. The actors were diligent about not breaking any strike rules and the fans were conscientious in helping them do that, and all of that felt pretty damn good.

I didn’t have anyone to help me at the vendor table on a regular basis (shout out to all the friends who hopped in to let me run to the bathroom all weekend!) so I missed the Friday panels, which meant I missed a lot of my favorite people – Gil McKinney, David Haydn Jones, DJ Qualls, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster – and Nate Torrence (who played Sully in ‘Just My Imagination’) who I REALLY wanted to get to see. I hear his panel was awesome, and just seeing him coming and going, he seems like such a nice guy.

I did make it into the ballroom finally for Misha Collins, since I try to never miss his panel. He and Rob reminisced about some early panels, including for some reason the one when they did the “Eiffel tower”. Don’t ask.

Everyone onstage struggled with the limitations of the strike in trying not to say the names of actual shows, but it’s undeniably difficult.

Misha: We’re organizing a little strike picket for S-P-N and Kripke sent out an organizing thing – but it says the actual name on it!

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The Last Official Supernatural Convention – San Francisco 2023

This July’s San Francisco convention was special – first, it was the last of the dedicated Supernatural Official conventions that Creation Entertainment put on, which made it a bittersweet experience for those of us who, like me, have been there since the beginning. Sure, there are new conventions planned that include Jared, Jensen, Misha and many more Supernatural cast members, but there was something poignant about this being the last “Official” Supernatural con. I got emotional as soon as I saw the old familiar stage banner up there. What a great souvenir of a wonderful time that would be – too bad my living room isn’t quite big enough for it even if it ever was offered up!

The con was also special because it was the 100th Saturday Night Special. That also made me all kinds of emotional, because I was there for the evolution of the Saturday-night-at-a-con shenanigans that eventually became the SNS. Originally there was a dessert party on Saturday night, and the actors would go from table to table and do a round of what Kathy and I referred to as “speed dating” where they had a few minutes to chat with whoever was at that table and then move on to the next one. Sometimes there was a centerpiece contest too, meaning fans who are more creative than me would make SPN themed centerpieces and then the actors would judge them and pick a winner. It was a bizarre sort of evening, but I’m nostalgic about it now. Also, ice cream.  At least I think that all used to happen on Saturday!

Then Saturday was briefly some kind of fan talent show I think, with the actors rather awkwardly judging who was the ‘winner’. Spoiler alert: Winner is a strong word. Then there were concerts – early on, it was Steve Carlson, and for a little while the Brian Buckley Band, and eventually Louden Swain. Talk about a lucky fandom!

And then came the Toronto convention when Rob Benedict had a stroke (you can read his first hand account of exactly what happened in the powerful chapter he wrote in Family Don’t End With Blood) and he wasn’t able to perform for a while. The next convention, the other cast members and friends got together to put on a special concert to support Rob – the very first Saturday Night Special. It was a really emotional evening, with most of the actors performing, and it became a beloved tradition that was even more joyous when Rob stepped back in as front man for the SNS evenings.

So celebrating the 100th SNS felt really special.

The San Fran con had been cancelled multiple times, so it also felt special just to finally get there – and my friends Alana, Lauren and Eloisa were all there too. Friends are a huge part of what makes cons special every single time.

I caught a bit of the Gil McKinney and David Haydn Jones panel on Friday afternoon when I arrived – two of my favorite people, both of whom have chapters in either Family Don’t End With Blood or There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done.

Gil talked about being grateful for all the work he’s been able to do as a working actor.

Gil: And for the auditions. The audition is the work. I may not be the most well known actor, but I’m proud of every single thing I’ve done.

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Where It All Began – Return To Supernatural Chicon!

Chicago was the very first Supernatural Creation convention, way way back in 2007. My friends and I stalked their website for weeks waiting for the tickets to go on sale, trading off ‘watch the site’ times so it would always be covered. We were rewarded with front row seats, back in the day when front row was the same price as the rest of the gold tickets, and had an amazing time at that very first con. I’ve been extremely fortunate to be able to return to what we then called “Chicon” each year it’s been held since then. It’s where one of my closest friends lives, so it also means I get to hang out with Winchester Family Business editor Laurena and her lovely husband. This year I had lots of other friends, both old and new, there too – so it was a whirlwind weekend of patio dinners at great restaurants in the 75 degree sunshine and long talks in the vendor room with friends I don’t get to see nearly often enough.

If you’ve ever wondered what the vendor table looks like, this was the Chicago set up – if you’re ever at a con, come say hi! I’m always happy to sign books too, whether you’ve brought them with you or bought them at the con. And if Family Don’t End With Blood inspired you in some way, it makes my day to hear about it – and the actors’ when someone says the chapters they wrote were an inspiration.

My flight got in on Friday, so I missed DJ Qualls and Julian Richings (my friend Barb caught a few photos for me).

I got to chat with Julian a bit later – we both worked on the book ‘Death in Supernatural’, with Julian writing the Foreword and me writing the Afterword, so it was nice to see him and catch up.

I caught Gil McKinney and David Haydn Jones panel in progress. The pairing of Gil and David might seem like an unusual one, as their characters didn’t interact at all on Supernatural, but they have gelled into a delightfully naughty duo that I thoroughly enjoy. When I came into the ballroom, they were trying to decide if Gil once wore his dance belt backwards, or was it really just a thong?

David has a new movie coming out that apparently involves dancing, so that is sure to be fun!

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“Home Con” 2023 – Creation Supernatural and Friends NJ

There are only a few cons that I can drive to, and the one in northern New Jersey is one of them. I hate driving, so this is both a blessing and a curse – but I also hate paying for airfare, so of course I drove to this one in scenic Whippany. (I don’t actually know if Whippany is scenic, tbh).  It’s a familiar drive from many trips to Rutgers, and this hotel was conveniently right off the NJ Turnpike, so I got there with less stress than last year – and last year’s parking lot debacle had left me with the coveted knowledge of where the extra parking spaces were too. What last year’s debacle did not tell me was that somehow this parking lot does not have an elevator from the lower floors – so I ended up dragging suitcases full of books up multiple flights of stairs and just about had a heart attack by the time I actually got to the hotel. ARGH.

Sweaty and exhausted but a few dollars richer at least from not flying, I got there on Friday afternoon and managed to catch some of the Friday people onstage, so there’s that.  Jared Padalecki was unable to be at this con because he was at Matt Barr’s wedding in Cancun – we missed him ALOT but I’m so glad he could be there with all the Walker Independence cast celebrating such a joyous occasion.

David Haydn Jones and Gil McKinney were onstage when I finally got to the ballroom.

The two were contemplating the possible impact of AI on acting when I arrived. (More ARGH). (Not Gil and David).

David: My favorite episode was when Ketch and Dean were on the mountain. Jensen and I tried to add to the scene.

And apparently it snowed just long enough for them to film – the snow melted right after their scenes were done!

I love that David always tries to dress the part of wherever the con is, looking kinda Bruce Springsteen for Jersey. And love Gil’s stylish hat!

David: When I got the role of Ketch, I watched the Supernatural top 20 episodes, and I was like whoa, they’re really leaning into the absurd comedy.

(Mystery Spot and The French Mistake cases in point!)

Gil pledged to go back and watch all of David’s episodes. David pledged to do the same.

Gil: I only have two!

Gil told the story of finding out that Henry Winchester’s name was in the pilot of The Winchesters, and then getting the call from Jensen to ask if he wanted to play Henry again.

(You can read the whole story in our exclusive interview with Gil here on Fangasm last month)

David: At the wrap party (that they were finally able to have in Vancouver years later), Jensen and I were spitballing about Ketch’s granddad in The Winchesters.

He then proceeded to do an Austin Powers Ketch imitation lol

What weapon would David have taken from SPN?

David: The grenade launcher! It actually had a quarter charge  in it, and that was a practical explosion with real fire and glass!

Gil reminisced about having to break Baby’s window on SPN.

Gil: That was really fun, but I didn’t know how much that would upset people. I nailed it on one take, like F yeah!

Another memorable scene was when Henry and Dean took that drive in the Impala.

Gil: Jensen and I got into the Impala, and he did a full 180 in the middle of the street – I didn’t know it was closed off! Jensen was like, do you need new shorts?

(Yes lol)

David said that Ketch was originally supposed to sound more like Billy Butcher on The Boys.

He also reminisced about some pranks, like trying to say his lines while someone was holding the mic like this and “fondling the balls in my hand” which I can imagine was… challenging…

As actors with experience on lots of other shows, they both had heartfelt positive things to say about working on Supernatural.

Gil: I’ve never worked on a show so nice and professional as Supernatural, and that’s because of Jared and Jensen. The Winchesters felt like a continuation of that.

We finally had Richard Speight, Jr. back as emcee for this con – he’s been so busy directing that it’s been a while – and he joked when he introduced Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster and Kim was like ‘who are you?’

Richard: Hi, I’m the new guy.


A fan asked about the Wayward Podcast, which they now record live at cons with some fans joining them. So you never know what you’re gonna get.

Briana: When we think of something we want to talk about on the Podcast, we usually do!

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