‘Raising Hell’ With Supernatural 15.02


Episode two of the fifteenth and final season of Supernatural was called ‘Raising Hell’. I’m not sure why it was called that, since Hell was ostensibly already “raised” in the first episode, but it turned out to be sort of fitting anyway, since the episode raised a fair amount of disagreement and infighting amongst the stressed-out-because-we’re-about-to-lose-this-show fandom. As a fan, I sometimes agree with all the sides. I understand the fans who don’t want to hear any complaints or criticisms, who desperately want their last 19 episodes of the show to be something that feels good, a celebration without critique that brings only joy and lots of good memories. I understand that feeling; I tend to be good at forgiving, handwaving and even ignoring in order to appreciate the good parts of what I love. On the other hand, I also understand the fans who are critical of an episode. When you only have 19…18….episodes left, having one of those feel unsatisfying is tough to swallow. I’m somewhere in between the extremes.

The writers of this episode are not always my favorites, as I’ve said before. They have written some good episodes, but there are quite a few that haven’t worked well for me. Whether it’s because they’re seasoned television writers or because they just enjoy juggling, these are the writers who often are given the episodes that include everything but the kitchen sink (which I’m sure, in all fairness, is challenging). Some people like that and are happy to greet each new revelation with a more is better attitude. That’s not me. I like to savor each little bit of this show. I like the show to spool itself out without too much rushing, and for every moment to be invested with depth and a meaning I have to work a bit to figure out. I’m not just here for the action; I expect the show to give me insight into the characters that are why I love it.  I start to get a headache when there’s too much going on that isn’t well connected to the main characters or when there are too many characters jammed into one episode.

We’ve been told that lots of ‘fan favorite’ characters will be coming back this season, which makes sense. It’s the last season, our last chance to see some of our favorites and perhaps to give them a proper send off. I’ve been on board with that revelation, and at the same time concerned that it would be overdone, so that each return wouldn’t have the gravity it’s due. For me, that happened in this episode. Rowena and Chuck were back, which was expected, so I won’t consider those a “return” as much as a they’re-part-of-the-current-storyline. But in addition to Rowena and Chuck (and new character Belphegor) in this episode, we had three other returns: Amara, Ketch and Kevin. That’s a lot of returns in one episode!

I like all three of the returning characters, and the actors did a wonderful job with their portrayals. While I initially wasn’t a Ketch fan, I’ve warmed up to the character over the seasons, partly I suspect because David Haydn-Jones is an awesome human being and a talented enough actor that he brings a vulnerability to Ketch that’s unexpected and interesting. Most of fandom was spoiled for all three returns, which also dilutes the impact considerably, and while I don’t entirely know if it made sense for Ketch to turn up there in the nick of time, I could go with it.

Then we had the return of Amara, something fandom also knew about. I loved Emily Swallow showing us Amara’s evolution (and her snazzy new wardrobe) but by the time we saw her and Chuck, the episode was already feeling a bit crowded.

And then we got the most emotional return of all – Kevin Tran. Again, most of us knew he’d be back, which diminished the impact, unfortunately. I was happy he was coming back; It’s no secret that I love Osric Chau to bits and that I adored his character. But by the time Kevin appeared, I think I actually exclaimed “Kevin too??”

There was so much going on in this episode that I didn’t feel like I had the space and time to appreciate Kevin’s return like I wanted to, and certainly not to grieve his departure the way it should have been grieved. Kevin’s story in this episode was tragic, turning him into even more of a tragic hero. Instead of God/Chuck sending Kevin to Heaven as he’d promised, apparently poor innocent Kevin got sent to Hell. What?? I hate that. I know we’re supposed to ‘hate’ Chuck, and this certainly helps push that along, but …. Kevin? I hope nobody tells Mrs. Tran, because I love her and Lauren Tom too and….damn. Kevin didn’t deserve that. Kevin is still a big damn hero, loyal to the Winchesters and standing up the other ghosts.

The episode was so crowded and so full of ‘action’ instead of meaningful conversation (for the most part) that I didn’t even need to reach for my tissues – until Kevin said his goodbyes. Sam and Dean wanted so badly to make it right, to send Kevin to Heaven where he belongs, and it’s heartbreaking that they can’t. The brothers standing there waving, looking so guilty and sad and helpless – and Kevin being brave and forgiving and ‘it is what it is’ as he takes his chances as a ghost – it was the first time in this episode that I felt choked up.

It also felt like the first “real” goodbye of the last season. If Osric indeed won’t be back, that was it. We were saying goodbye to the beloved character of Kevin Tran along with the Winchesters. And it hurt. I just wish it hadn’t been meshed into an episode that was already so crowded.

On rewatch, that scene hurt even more. Not because of Kevin only, but because when Osric turned around and said “Love you guys” I couldn’t help but hear him saying that to Jared and Jensen. I thought about all the years they’ve worked together on the show and traveled the world together for conventions, all those special moments. I thought about my own adventures with Osric, working with him as he wrote his chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood; reassuring him when he was so nervous before his first time singing at the Saturday Night Special; the two of us helping Misha deliver pizza to the Hall H lines at Comic Con one night. So many memories, and now this is goodbye. This show that brought them together is ending, and they’ll go their separate ways. I cried more as I rewatched than I did the first time, trying to come to terms with the goodbye.

I feel like there are going to be a lot of those times for me – and for many fans –  this season.

The other meaningful scenes were between Castiel and Dean and between Amara and Chuck. (There was little that was meaningful between Sam and Dean, though I’ll take the tidbits of worried big brother Dean that I can get). Cas and Dean have a bit of a showdown, Cas confronting Dean about his obvious anger and Dean admitting it. The problem with that scene was that it was almost a repeat of the conversation that Sam and Dean had the week before. At the end of that conversation, Dean’s perspective seemed to shift a bit after listening to Sam’s more hopeful reframe. In this episode, somehow he’s right back to where he was before, as though that conversation with Sam never happened. Huh?

It’s not that people can’t shift back and forth in their ability to stay hopeful about something in the face of repeated disappointment and failure – obviously there can be a lot of back and forth and ups and downs. But from a narrative perspective, it was a critical moment when Dean shifted into the familiar Winchester stance of “always keep fighting” alongside his brother; that’s what allowed the iconic moment when they closed the trunk and Dean said, in a voice steely with determination, “we got work to do”.  Having Dean walk back that determination and fall back into hopelessness and cynicism in his conversation with Castiel the very next episode dilutes what is so far my favorite scene of the season (the we got work to do), and that bothers me.

The scene itself is one of the best of the episode though. It’s so much more compelling to me to see the main characters’ emotions and have them interact in a way that’s meaningful and gives some insight into how they’re feeling.  I like that Cas is as unshakeable as Sam in his conviction that they have had some free will, and that what they’ve done has mattered.

Dean scoffs, cynically insisting that nothing about their lives is real.

But Cas disagrees.

Cas: You asked what about all this is real? We are.

Whether that line was intentionally ambiguous or unintentionally, it can be read multiple ways, from the most generic sense of ‘we’ as humanity, to Team Free Will (which is how I read it), to the most put-it-on-a-tee-shirt shipper interpretation possible. Take it as you will, and I certainly understand why shippers want to take it in the narrow sense, but it has a lot of impact if you read it as Cas talking about all three of them and what they’ve accomplished. Dean is having a serious existential crisis, much more destabilized by the revelation of Chuck pulling the strings than either Cas or Sam are. He’s hanging on by his fingernails, struggling to find that hope and determination that has always kept him going through even the worst of tragedies and losses. If he can’t find it, I don’t think he’ll be able to do that – and I think Cas knows just how close to the edge Dean is right now. His impassioned speech is an attempt to pull Dean out of his existential crisis and set him back on his feet, so Dean can keep fighting. Sam was trying to do the same thing in the last episode – they know Dean, better than anyone. Neither of them want to see him give up, because in a very real sense, that will kill him.

By the way, sometimes after I watch an episode that didn’t leave me jumping up and down, or that left me scratching my head way too much, I’m so effing grateful for fandom. I was having a hard time pulling any deep meaning or emotional resonance out of this episode, and so disappointed about that. Then I ran across a fan vid that traced the evolution of Dean Winchester’s struggle to hang onto his faith and hope and determination, and how many times he’s been so close to giving up, so tired of the fight. From Dean’s moment of wanting to give up way back in Croatoan right up through the current season, it’s been such a long and difficult fight. I found myself tearing up more from that vid than from the episode itself, suddenly confronted with just how big a deal this is for Dean, and how long and hard his road has been. That made the scene with Castiel so much more emotional and so much more important, and ultimately made the episode more satisfying. Do I wish I could not work quite so hard to get there? Sure. I wish the show itself transported me there like it so often has. But when it doesn’t, I’m grateful for this fandom.

As far as plot, the only thing that moved us forward significantly was the Chuck and Amara interaction (and the Chuck and Sam connection).

Chuck seeks out his sister, who is enjoying Reno and her massages and her suddenly fabulous wardrobe (who wouldn’t after being stuck in that same black dress for half an eternity?). He tries to make her think he wants to be close again out of sibling love. Amara, however, sees right through her “big brother”, sensing his weakness and figuring out that he’s trapped here without her agreeing to leave with him.

She taunts him, all that flowers and rainbows forgiveness from the end of Season 11 nowhere to be seen. If she and Chuck were ever as mutually forgiving as they claimed to be then, it’s long since disappeared. Amara hasn’t forgiven Chuck for locking her away all those years, taking pleasure in the revenge of now being the one who’s keeping him trapped.

Showrunner Andrew Dabb has said in interviews recently that they’re moving away from the meta version of Chuck as the writer (of the actual show) and just making him a character – but his comment about loving the Game of Thrones ending is about as meta as you can get. And just as ominous.

If we’re supposed to hate Chuck, I can’t help but feel a little bad for him here, as Amara rejects him and abandons him. He seems small and vulnerable, diminished by the God gun wound, wincing as he touches it.

As most of us have suspected, Sam winces at the same time, clutching at his shoulder. We’ve been speculating for some time that Sam and Chuck are somehow joined by their shared wound, and this seems to confirm it.

Dean: (in worried big brother mode): Still the shoulder, huh?

Sam dismisses it, insisting he’s fine, but Dean stares after him as Sam walks away, clearly worried.


That was about as much real (not incidental) interaction as we got between Sam and Dean and now we have eighteen episodes to go. Come on, Show, gimme!

I am intrigued by the Chuck and Sam connection, and where it will take us. I hope it’s somewhere compelling and meaningful and not incidental. Please, Show?

Let’s see, what else was in this episode? The odd thing is, the episode felt extremely crowded and yet….small… simultaneously. Lots of people, some of them either random highly annoying townspeople and some of them random highly annoying ghosts who sometimes looked like they’d just come from Halloween Adventure (thanks to the broad daylight).

And then a bunch of returning characters who I do care about, and I wish I’d had more time to appreciate.

I love Rowena, and I love Ruth Connell’s portrayal of Rowena. I enjoyed her heroic moments of holding out the soul trap and shouting out the incantation that eventually zapped the bad guy.  For some reason, in the midst of all of them in grave danger, there was also the sub-sub-plot of Rowena and Ketch developing a rather intense mutual lust for each other, just like that. Some fans were like yay new ship (Retch, apparently? Unfortunately) and others were like what the hell, why would Rowena go after Ketch? These writers seem to like to write Rowena into awkward romantic interludes with questionable partners, and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

I love the character, and she’s been lusty and unapologetic from the start, which is fine by me, but that’s not all there is to her. I loved seeing both the darker and the softer sides of Rowena in the past, especially her complicated relationship with Fergus. I don’t want her reduced to comic fodder only (with that obnoxious oh-hey-something-funny-is-happening music in the background no less).

It looks like we’ll get something more complex for Rowena (for better or worse) next week, but her banter with Ketch didn’t entirely work for me here. Ruth Connell and David Haydn-Jones did a bang up job of playing up the innuendo, it was just sandwiched into an episode that already had too much going on. Oh! I did enjoy the little meta moment when Rowena said Ruth’s real life favorite line “What do ye’ want?” that anyone who’s been to a convention instantly recognizes. Nicely done, Ruth.

I don’t know if that was Ketch’s final goodbye or not. If it was, we got a small more genuine moment between him and Dean as he was being loaded into the ambulance. Like Rowena with Fergus, I found the relationship between Dean and Ketch to be complex and thus fascinating. If that was goodbye, I’m glad we at least got that moment, but if that was the last of Ketch, he didn’t get much of a wrap up to the more complex (and interesting) parts of his storyline.

One of the underlying problems with this episode (and the premiere at times) is that there was nothing particularly scary or suspenseful about it, which is surprising since they were fighting all these ghosts the whole time. This episode was a continuation of the premiere episode, so much of it still took place in an annoyingly brightly sit suburban housing development. The well-lit ghosts just didn’t look scary, so all the tension that should have been there in those scenes was lacking. Definitely not a roller coaster this week. I miss the dark palate of early seasons Supernatural so much sometimes that I could cry.

There were some scratch-your-head moments, which also give me a headache. Why wasn’t Kevin’s soul drawn into the soul bomb? Why can’t he ever go to Heaven, if John found a way there? (Because God tossed him down there – that’s new). How did Ketch get possessed when he was wearing his stylish iron chain necklace? Why did the Winchesters make the iron necklaces so loose they could easily come off? Wouldn’t a stylish iron collar have been a better choice…hmmm…picture that…  Anyway. Why can a ghost devour another ghost? And why do they sometimes zap from place to place and sometimes run? (Slowly). Why was Rowena making the soul bomb at another house that was within the warded zone so that she then had to carry the soul bomb through the streets? And why could possessed Ketch stroll through the warding to grab the soul bomb from Rowena at the end?? Who took his iron chain necklace off?? So much confusion. Enlighten me, please, if you have some answers.

It was also head scratchy that everyone was so strikingly unobservant – including the Winchesters and Cas. The woman who snuck out into the quarantine area to kick off the episode had an entire long conversation with her former neighbor (now possessed by Jack the Ripper) without ever wondering why he was mutely staring at her with murderous intent. Sam and Dean somehow don’t realize that the man and woman who sneak out later are possessed even though they’re standing on the other side of the warding staring blank faced and mute. Really? Don’t make Sam and Dean look like dumbasses, Show!

If we were in Season 3, I might be content to say well, this wasn’t the most compelling episode and it didn’t make me feel very much. Next episode will be better. I’m trying to say that now too, but the stakes are so much higher. Eighteen episodes to go, and I want all of them to matter. I want to care. I want to feel. I’m aware that I have the bar set relatively high, but I also know this show has been up to that challenge for years and years and years. Keep it up, Show, just a little bit longer. Your cast doesn’t want to fade out, and they deserve for that not to happen.

Let’s end with a few more positives.

I did enjoy Dean unceremoniously pulling out his gun and shooting Ketch when he was possessed by Jack the Ripper. Trust Dean Winchester to just do what needs to be done. And that combo pistol shot and then the one-handed catch of the soul catcher that Ketch tossed? Pretty badass.

Sam had his badass moment in a different way, when he got to show off his leadership skills trying to calm down the increasingly restless townspeople crammed into the high school. Jared Padalecki’s subtle portrayal of Sam’s exasperation was a lovely little moment of realism and humor.

Sam: Questions?

I realized after the fact that the high school was the filming location for the show the night I arrived in Vancouver for the convention there in August. Unfortunately my friends and I got distracted with eating pizza and by the time we got to the school, it was just in time to wave goodbye to the cast and crew as everyone drove away. I need to change my priorities obviously.

Cas got his badass moment, in a way, by standing up to Dean and going out on a limb to try to convince him that free will isn’t entirely an illusion. Wrestling with that notion has been Castiel’s path as much as it has been Sam and Dean’s, and it’s clear that he’s also having to struggle not to succumb to hopelessness and what looks a lot like depression.

I’m rooting for all of them.

And for the Show too.

How can you not, with the Best Cast Ever on board?

I kinda love them all.

Caps by @kayb625

Gifs by jaredandjensen on tumblr


You can read chapters written by Osric Chau,

Ruth Connell, Jared, Jensen, Misha and many

more in Family Don’t End With Blood – all

about how this show has changed their lives

too. Links on the home page!









34 thoughts on “‘Raising Hell’ With Supernatural 15.02

  • Welp. You’re not wrong on the crowding issue and I see #Retch as little value added at this point in the series.

    I’m going to have to find that video on faith and Dean. I need a little gravitas.

    But the wrap on Osric/Kevin was so depressing. Character/Actor deserves better. I did get a bit verklempt when it became obvious this is IT for him. I don’t think this long goodbye is something I want. I like the bandaid ripped off quick. At this rate, ‘Return of the King’ will feel abrupt by comparison.

    Still, it’s show. And I’m grateful for every scrap I get.

    I’m terrified for next week.

  • Excellent point vis-a-vis Ketch’s ghost possession and his necklace o’ iron. I didn’t catch – or should that be Ketch – that.

    This episode was classic Nep Duo. I will never understand why they give the complicated ones to them. They rarely handle it well. Confusing, rambling. Lost moments. Convenient writing. Ignorance of canon. Tacky or inappropriate scenes. Oft times childish humor. You know. Typical Nep Duo script. I was hoping for more.

    The bright lighting for the ghosts? Horrible. It’s bright like the episode where Zachariah threw Sam and Dean into the corporate world working at Sandover. That lighting turned out to be intentional. Would there be any reason this lighting choice could be too? I doubt it but it’s so jarring the idea did briefly cross my mind.

    Kevin’s return didn’t sit well with me and other than it seeming like he was crowbarred into this episode, I wasn’t sure why I was feeling that way until I read your article. I agree with your observation that we weren’t able to give the character the attention his being back deserved especially if it was the last time we will ever see Kevin Tran. It should have been a big emotional moment but it just got lost in all the minutiae.

    Already over Amara and Chuck. It was annoying to be pulled from what was going on with the town… I’m sure the scene was important in the grand scheme of things but honestly I just wanted to get back to Sam and Dean. And seriously I really had no interest in watching either the Darkness performing yoga or Chuck wondering about booger’s. But what else can I expect when it’s Buck Lemming?

    • Yes! I also had a moment of wondering if the glaringly bright lighting was somehow intentional, like was this some other AU world so it was all suburban bright and unreal or something? But I truly don’t think so. Still not over the Kevin send off being….this.

  • Too much everything!
    Things I didn’t like (or care about)
    Rowena & Ketch – he tortured her and it’s all ok?
    Chuck & Amaras conversation
    We get it-darkness & light -the repetition is really not necessary.
    Also, “once long ago you sealed me away”? How about not treating the fans like idiots, ok?

    I liked the fact that Chuck is hurting-sorry Rob. The connection between God & Sam is still interesting.
    I liked the fact that the town is still in trouble and it wasn’t miraculously fixed in one episode.

    I’m really, really hoping the next episode is better. This one was convoluted, and actually a bit boring. *sigh*

    • Ah yes, I forgot to add the extra complication of Ketch having tortured Rowena last time they met and suddenly that’s…okay? That’s kinda disturbing.

  • “Lots of people, some of them either random highly annoying townspeople and some of them random highly annoying ghosts who sometimes looked like they’d just come from Halloween Adventure (thanks to the broad daylight)”
    THIS!!!!! way way too bright and not scary at ALL, which almost makes it look like a halloween comedy. The dark is your FRIEND SPN!!
    I need to watch again without any expectations. So far the only parts worth watching was the Sam/Chuck connnection and the Chuck/Amara scene, which could have been shorter IMO to fit more Sam and Dean dialogue in.
    I like the support cast but nort at the expense of Winchester time, that’s all i want for the last season.
    Great review!

    • Bad news for you then, it ain’t gonna be like when Jared and Jensen were 20-something bachelors, the support cast is highlighted sometimes because Jared and Jensen only work like half the shoot schedule on some episodes for the last few years.

    • Thanks! Even if J2 aren’t shooting as much as we wish they were, the other things that were irksome about this episode could have been done better. I’m trying to hang onto the moments I did like and not have my expectations too high, but it’s hard knowing we only have 18 episodes left!

  • Thankyou Lynn, as usual you put my thoughts into words. That is until you wrote ‘collar’ – then my brain fritzed a little for a few minutes….. oops, there it goes again. I felt this was a wasted episode, I have no idea why Ketch was jammed in there, I’m sure there would be a much better and solid plot reason for him to appear at least once over the next 18 episodes. The #Retch bit was awkward, and I didn’t feel any chemistry between them at all. (Agree with the sentiment about the music too) Poor Kevin. His exit did tug at the heart strings, and I think the time with Ketch would have served the episode better if the screen time had been spent on Kevin. The boys are saved at the last minute by someone else stepping in all too often lately, when they are quite capable of kicking ass themselves. Apart from Ketch stepping in like that, the episode didn’t need the character at all. (Sorry David!) I hope the rest of the season is not random character returns jammed in for the sake of their faces being included one more time. We may not have much quantity left, so we damn well want quality!

    • The probably reason why there were so many returned characters is because Jared and Jensen are still working their reduced shooting schedules, and the script was written to work around that.

    • I think that’s the tough thing, we are all very aware that we have little time left with these beloved characters, so we really want it to count!

  • In the sense of dramatic structure, this episode was all about the turning point of this story. The characters think they have a hold on things, but it all starts to unravel and all the work they’ve been doing is just a finger in the dike setting up for the conclusion or catastrophe in the third episode. You can pretty much break down the first three episodes like this: Episode 1 – Introduction and rising action. Episode 2 – Climax and falling action. Episode 3 – Conclusion or catastrophe.

    This episode was clearly written around Jared and Jensen’s days off. I was hoping that they would kinda go back to a schedule similar to the early years, but they apparently don’t want to. So, fair enough to them. It’s their prerogative and they’ve earned the right to work reduced schedules. But that’s clearly the reason why we spent time with Rowena, Ketch, the Hell ghosts, et all.

    • I was also hoping they’d go back to more of an earlier seasons schedule for the last year, but of course that’s not our call to make. That said, I think they could have done alot better with what we did get even without a ton of Sam and Dean content. Here’s hoping the next 18 manage it a bit better.

  • Crowded it certainly was! The golden bit for me was Sam in his role as care giver and protector to Dean. Dean has spiralled intermittently and for the longest time needed care , even though so often he rejects it quite forcefully . This episode granted they had little direct contact but Sam took on the responsibility for the hunters, the townsfolk organising and supervising so that his brother was free to come and go, giving him space to deal with his emotions ( by means of weapons discharge mostly, but that’s ok, it’s in character)
    Thanks for the review Lynn, this was a hard one and I enjoyed hearing your views

    • That’s a really good point. In last week’s episode, I recognized that Sam was the one doing the psychological caretaking even as Dean was doing the physical caretaking. But this week it happened too, as he stepped into the leadership role to give his brother space to not have to do that. Thank you for pointing that out!

    • That’s another thing that bothered me. The weapons discharge. How many times did Dean angrily fire at the ghosts that were trying to break through the barrier (even though he couldn’t see them so technically he was shooting at random) with his bullets o’ salt? Four? So he completely depleted their condiment bullets? Four. Hell, they knew just based on their earlier tete et tete alone that there were considerably more ghosts than that. Did they not have any more or were they unable to swing by the Impala or the school to re fortify before running to the barriers weak spot and if either were the case – why would Dean burn through the only ones left they had on them? Was Sam out too? And salt just disperses – doesn’t completely eliminate. His iron rounds were in his gun, right? Experienced hunter. Apocalypse. Collapsing barrier. Let’s waste our limited ammo. Four salt shells. Oops I’m out! Works for me. Say Dean lost it for a moment. Why didn’t anyone try to stop him? Sam? Raise a card to keep your bro from wasting am? No? Okay.

      • Dean didn’t know he used up his ammo until he tried to shoot Ketch/Tumblety. And he really didn’t have time to reload even if he did have extra shells on him in that moment, hence switching to using the iron rounds to get Tumblety out of Ketch.

        Salt and iron both just dissipate, but rock salt disperses wide enough that you really don’t have to have dead shot aim.

  • Thanks Lynn for your thoughtful comments–as usual you have hit the nail on the head. This was all the worst of the Buckner-Leming tendencies in one episode. I just can’t believe Dabb read it and was like, “Hey, this looks great!”

    And the stakes do feel higher knowing this season is the last. It bothers me all the more because season 14, aside from 5 or 6 eps, was honestly my least favorite season of all, and my hopes are so high for season 15 to be better! But we have a ways to go and I am keeping my fingers crossed…

  • The whole story was about how insecure the Winchesters really are right now. That were choices and knowledge have been a lie. So they have to count on their super friends for help. Kevin was brought back to be the reflection of the Winchesters. Turns out Kevin didn’t have a choice when Chuck was in control. Now given the choice of going to Hell or go crazy ghost on earth, either way, the choice was his and he can live with the consequences. Same with Ketch leaving and having no regrets. True, one had to dig deep to find the message of the episode and I mirror your opinion of too much, less is better.

    • I thought Dean not killing Jack proved that they could still make their own choices.
      It certainly wasn’t what God wanted.

    • If that was the intent, it wasn’t very deftly executed. But I’ll go with it, since it will make me feel a little better 🙂

  • You nailed it. Very confusing and highly disappointing episode. I’m crossing my fingers for next week.

  • This episdoe was terrible. One of Bucklemming’s worst in my opinion and that’s saying a lot. Lazy writing, too many guest starts, too much exposition, dumb jokes, little regard for canon, you name it. The Chuck and Amara scene bothered me because it was too jokey. It’s hard to feel any sort of threat when the characters are constantly spouting off one-liners. I’m all for some humor to break the tension but I’d like to experience the tension. This episode had none. I was bored during it. Like others have said, it was too bright! The ghosts looked terrible. Kevin and Ketch’s returns seemed pointless. I wasn’t a fan of the Rowena/Ketch thing. The only thing I found interesting was Sam’s connection to Chuck. I do wish that Sam would be honest with Dean because I thought we were over all the secrets. The boys had been more open with each other in the past few seasons.

    I feel cheated because this was a complete waste of time we don’t have in this last season. An episode like this makes me worry about the rest of the reason. Are we going to get any quality Sam and Dean time? That’s why I tune in. I really don’t want a parade of guest stars coming through so we can see them one last time.

    I’ve read interviews were TPTB say Sam and Dean and Jared and Jensen are the show (or something along those lines), but yet we get two episodes with Sam and Dean barely together. It just really disappoints me. I don’t want to be disappointed when we only have 18 episodes left now.

    I hope next week is better.

    • I think maybe Sam is being (basically) honest with Dean. When it comes to being injured-they both shrug it off and say they’re fine.

      He might not know that his wound and Chucks are connected. They’ll figure it out eventually.

      I agree with most of your comments though. Not a top 10 episode or even top 100.

    • Yeah, we have 18 episodes left. You know how much actual mytharc any given season of the show actually has? Between 10-13 episodes (barring revelations at the end of a MotW episode). The show has never had 20+ episodes of mytharc in any season. Hell, they spun their wheels so much in season 5 waiting to get to the finale because they didn’t have enough story.

  • My favourite part was the DeanCas interaction bc it was the only part where we actually saw deeper into the chars emotions.

    Also wtf is retch? Why… why did they try and make that a thing…

    I didn’t like dean shooting ketch. It reminded me too much of endverse dean shooting his croat friend (with 2009 dean yelling to watch out). He seemed too willing to just shoot ketch. I mean it is ketch though so…

    The ghostpocalypse just isnt scary. In abandon all hope in s5, its shot in the day time, but it looks like its been colour graded to be darker and moodier. Now it just kinda looks like cosplayers in broad daylight.

    And jack the ripper did NOT have a proper british accent. Smh…

    • Francis Tumblety (Jack the Ripper) was an American, well Irish-born but his family moved to American when he was young. So, his accent was accurate, well as accurate one can imagine a late 1800’s American accent to sound.

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