Supernatural’s Emily Perkins Gets Real – About Actors, Objectification, Jared and Jensen

Emily as Becky The Fangirl
Emily as Becky The Fangirl. Supernatural, Property of Warner Brothers, cap credit ladymanson

Part 2 of our conversation with Emily Perkins, aka Becky the Fangirl in multiple episodes of Supernatural. Emily shares some thoughtful insights about what it’s like to be an actor and working with Jared and Jensen. See previous post for Part 1!

Lynn: So we were talking about Becky putting herself down, and you said in your Q & A that you’ve also played the “ugly stepsister”. But you’re a very attractive person!

Emily: I get calls for like “not necessarily attractive” or “unattractive.”

Lynn: If that’s the definition of unattractive, this is saying something really horrible about our culture.

Emily: Male dominated, right? It’s a very narrow definition of beauty, and everyone knows it, but no one’s willing to challenge it. I do think some shows now are more character driven, people have different kinds of looks. And in the UK too, there are lots of older female actresses, but Canada is different because we have the US and Hollywood as our neighbor, and we’re always trying to attract them. So the casting directors – I worked as a casting assistant where I would read opposite actors auditioning for roles – there’s this huge pressure to show that we have actors that look like they’re from LA with the bleached blonde hair and the big boobs and the no hips at all – so it’s almost harder in Canada to get an audition if you don’t fit that narrow definition of beauty than in LA. In LA there’d be more opportunity for someone like me who’s more of a character actor.

Kathy: When we spoke to Samantha Ferris, she was talking about being considered too old for some parts and feeling like “the big one”, when she’s like a size 4 or something!

Emily: You have to have that certain body, like a teenage girl. The casting director will say they look too old even if they’re like 16 and it’s because they have hips. That’s code for you have hips. You’re not allowed to have hips.

Lynn: Even though it’s developmentally appropriate for women to have hips! In that last scene with Becky, there was a self-disparaging line that she said, and I just thought, WHAT? Look at her, she’s beautiful! Why can’t we acknowledge that?

Beautiful, right??
Beautiful, right?? Supernatural, Property of Warner Brothers, cap credit ladymanson

Kathy: For me, it was that you were given that line, and should we really be giving any woman that line? We’re creating this scenario where women are criticizing their own appearance in ways that are damaging. Of course I’m a loser if I’m not the Hollywood ideal — what kind of message is that?

Emily: I don’t know any actresses – or actors too – who don’t have some kind of insecurity. Young guys are like, is my hair receding, or they worry about their ears, or who knows what. Actors are the most insecure people. In some ways, I’ve had to do what you guys do, intellectualize a bit more. I have that level of detachment for sure, but I also try to find those roles where I don’t have that shame.

Lynn: I think Becky needs to come back and be kickass again.

Emily: I’ve thought about how she could potentially re-enter the show.

Lynn: She’s still alive, and she’s still a Supernatural fan, so…

Kathy: I still think she should be with Garth and part of the hunting life. Maybe Garth ignored the advice and said screw you to the Winchesters.

Lynn: I think even the fans who were unhappy with your character might like to see her redeemed.

Emily: And I guess that a controversial character isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s not bad to have people not liking you, because it actually generates discussion and interest. So that’s a positive in itself.

Lynn: Not many people were neutral about Becky, that’s for sure. So what’s going on for you currently?

Emily: I’m busy parenting, I have two young kids at home, so they need a lot of my attention and I’m not a nanny person, I can’t see myself hiring someone to take care of my kids. So if the right job comes along and I don’t have to travel for it, that’s great, but usually you don’t have that kind of selection, and if you start saying no, which I have been saying a lot, they start to not call you. They want you to be hungry. It’s difficult to balance an acting career and family life, and I’m trying to figure out ways that I can express myself creatively. I find what you guys do so interesting, I’d love to do an MA on fandom. My husband is an academic, a film studies guy. His specialty is reception studies. But how do you do a fulltime MA with 2 kids?

Kathy: Well, if you want sleep….so you’d like to be an academic too.

Emily: A lot of the parts I play, like Ginger Snaps, did get academic attention. That’s actually how my husband and I met, he was researching the film, at a film festival in Brussels. He was like handing out research questionnaires and we were at a panel discussion together and it was like a really plush festival and they drove us everywhere we wanted to go and we went to Bruges and for dinner — it was awesome. Academics are really integrated into the whole experience with fans because they can comment intelligently on stuff too – they should have that kind of discussion at these cons too!

Lynn: They totally should! Also, that’s an adorably romantic how-we-met story. Academia and fandom and celebrity all mixed together into a happy ending.

Emily: (turning the tables as all our interviewees seem to sooner or later…) So what about your fandom? How did that start? Are you fans of other tv shows too?

Lynn: (aghast) No! I’m fandom monogamous. SPN all the way. Kathy cheats though.

Kathy: (elbows Lynn) It’s not cheating. I just like a few other shows, that’s all.

Lynn: (scowling at Kathy) That’s cheating. But seriously, I don’t tend to be super fannish very often. Supernatural just really struck me. Like lightning or something.

Emily: Why do you think?

Lynn: From a psychological perspective, I think it was about finding myself again after being a wife and mom and psychologist and professor – it was about waking up one day and saying that’s all great, but who am I? What do I want, what makes me happy? Fandom is a great way to explore that and find a way to be real. It’s powerful, finding like-minded people and sharing a passion.

Kathy: For a lot of people, it’s a transition time in your life, and that’s also why adolescents are such big fans, because that’s a really difficult moment and a big transition. For me, too, it’s times of high stress, transition times, when I tend to be super fannish over something and invest so much into it.

Lynn: It’s partly the show, it draws people in with the themes it tackles, but it’s not all about the show. Sometimes it’s about the person too. Once this has run its course, I don’t know if I’ll be fannish like this again for a while. I’m not really a consecutive fan, at least I haven’t been consistently.

Kathy: I’m still a Byron fan though.

Emily: You kinda have his hair.

Kathy: (beaming) He was the first literary celebrity. Girls would break into his apartment and hide under his bed, and he had that whole bad boy thing going. Byronomania. He was handsome and athletic, but he was insecure, and he only ate vinegar and potatoes.

Lynn: (making a face) Ewww.

Kathy: I don’t think they had the whole food pyramid down then…It was his persona.

Emily: He worked it. I think Jared and Jensen do a really good job with that. I think they really care.

Lynn: In our interviews with them for our book, we actually talked a lot about how they negotiate the idea of persona, and they were both quite thoughtful about the subject.

Emily: Yeah, they are very thoughtful about it, and I totally thought they’d be kinda arrogant because they started off doing a tv show when they were young, but they weren’t. Because I was playing Becky, I could tell that, coming in there I did represent the fan, and even if you don’t think about it, subconsciously it’s there. But I kinda felt like they really wanted me to like them too, sort of just as much – well, maybe not just as much, but – There are certain things they did, like Jared was like, ‘You sound really smart, I bet you’re really smart.’ And he was like, ‘Did you know my mother’s an English teacher?’ And we were just talking and he’d say ‘No, actually you should say Jared and me, not Jared and I – like he started correcting my grammar! And I thought, why is he doing that? But actually it was a compliment.

Lynn and Kathy: (grinning) Awwww.

Emily: Did they read Fandom At The Crossroads?

Kathy: They did! We gave them copies to thank them for their interviews, but we thought, of course they’re not gonna read it.

Emily: Oh, Jared would definitely read it.

Lynn: He told us that he read every word, and that it really helped him understand fans and conventions better, so he thanked us for writing it. He insists he’s looking forward to reading our next one too. Which has pretty much made our year.

Kathy: Decade.

Lynn: Possibly lifetime.

Kathy: When we went to the set to interview them, we were sort of having this moment, there was so much build up and we thought, are they really gonna answer these very academic sort of questions, will they go there? And we walked out of there going like, woah. So open and thoughtful.

Emily: I can totally see that. They’re smart guys, yeah. Then it just makes you like them more. (sighs)

Lynn: (sighing too) Both looks and brains.

Emily: I know! It’s just not fair.

Kathy: I like what you said about the last Becky episode also being about fame, with the love potion being like fame, like a drug.

Emily: It took me a while to put that together. I think it was when Jared started correcting my grammar that I was like wait a second, because he was so – he would give me these lovesick puppy dog eyes and he just turns it on like that and off again – and I had like a Eureka moment, like wait a second, the love potion is real! (laughs)

Lynn and Kathy: (picturing Sam Winchester’s lovesick puppy eyes….)

Lynn: It works as a metaphor for fame and celebrity, how people develop an addiction to them.

Kathy: A lot of people we’ve interviewed talk about how weird it is to be in a certain situation, like a convention, and get all the attention, and then outside of that space, you don’t.

Emily: You’re so infantilized as an actor, and people don’t realize it unless you’ve been on the other side and seen what it’s like. Every moment of your day is regulated, it’s like ‘you’re going to the bathroom now, you have to tell someone.’ It’s like you’re three years old again, and someone is putting on your jacket for you, and someone’s doing your hair. There’s no aspect of your person that you’re responsible for anymore. They’re like ‘oh are you cold, do you need a jacket?’ They’re constantly doing all these things for you, and so you just kinda relax into it, you become this totally passive creature. And then you walk off the set and you’re like, how do I put on my coat? How do I choose what I wear?

Kathy: We were at a party at Comic Con, and one of the actors was sitting with us and had lost his handler, and he literally asked us to tell him where he should go. He said, I don’t even have to know my own address, people come to my house, they get me, I do what I’m supposed to do, and they bring me back to my house. And now my person isn’t here, so where do I go?

Lynn: It was sort of disturbing.

Emily: Even at this convention, there was this labyrinthine green room and I’d gone to the bathroom and then come here and then to the green room and out again and I asked if one of the volunteers could tell me where the washroom is, and he said oh, I’ll take you there. So he took me like winding all around and then I was like, can you tell me how to get back? And he said don’t worry, I’ll wait here for you. I was like, if you left it would be a pretty good joke on me, wouldn’t it? Especially if you could watch on closed circuit tv, I’d be like opening every door, where am I supposed to be?

Lynn: But then of course you’ll leave the con and go home on a plane by yourself.

Emily: It is absolutely weird. That’s why I was surprised, with Jared, he was so young when he started. Usually like the younger you are when you start, you just think that’s normal. Like Natalie Portman said, she hadn’t even walked down a street by herself ever in her entire life until she was in her 20s. How abnormal is that?

Kathy: You started pretty young too, right?

Emily: I started when I was 10. But things are a little bit different in Canada, we don’t have that celebrity culture thing, people don’t recognize you. I’m sure even Jared and Jensen can walk around Vancouver. They’re probably occasionally getting recognized but not getting mobbed, it’s just a different kind of people. Even if someone did recognize them, they’d probably be a little bit embarrassed to go up to them. We’re very reserved people. So I didn’t really have that. And also in Canada you don’t really make the money, we’re paid like a small small fraction of – and this is no comment on Supernatural at all, I have to say – but we make a small fraction of what American actors make. So in terms of fans, I did have one fan that was really quite scary and quite threatening. He was from Texas and he was saying he was gonna come and make my husband realize that I belonged to him, so that was scary. But I don’t live in like a gated community, I don’t have a driver, I don’t have all those things that an American actor living in LA would have, those safeguards, like you call the restaurant and they give you that private corner or whatever. That’s not my world, I live in suburban Vancouver, I’m a normal person. Even the Canadian set is very different from an American set. No one cares whose chair you sit on, it can have someone else’s name on it and you can still sit there. You don’t have the same rigid hierarchies. Everyone pals around with everyone else. Whereas on an American set, it’s different. Jared and Jensen are so nice, they wouldn’t care if you sat in their chair, they’re never there anyway, but with other people it’s more like umm you should just mind your p’s and q’s a little more, be more cognizant of that hierarchy being there. I think it’s a function of money, there’s just more money involved.

Lynn: And we all buy into it. The first time we interviewed Jim Beaver, he invited us to just come over to his house, and our reaction was instantly, What? Is he crazy? Which is ridiculous because, who were we trying to protect him from? Ourselves? We were writing a book challenging fan shame, and buying into it ourselves.

Emily: It must be about us, that we need to keep those boundaries , like Rob was mentioning, you don’t wanna meet the person because you don’t wanna shatter the ideal image you have, we want to keep this barrier, because it’s doing something for us. I think it goes back to the religious impulse, we want to believe there’s this perfect being. I’ve often thought this is why I’m a lit fan, it gives me this impression, that there is a god – in Supernatural’s case, Rob’s case, he’s the writer who is god – and that’s how I think of writers. When you’re in that universe, the writer is god. And I like to think there’s this order to the world because I’m not a religious person in my real life, so it gives me this refuge from the chaos to believe someone else is in charge.

Kathy: So you’re not a fan of reader reception theory. Every reading is a valid reading, and it may not line up with what the author intended, once it’s out there, it’s us making meaning.

Emily: I don’t think the two are incompatible, but I think it’s more like 50/50. I think you can still believe that the writer is in charge of that world, but once it’s out there, like if people have a religious belief, their actions are important too, they are the ones who influence this material and it’s about the choices they make, which are important because there’s this great god in the sky. There’s still choice, and those choices are maybe even more important because this perfect being has created this world.

Lynn: That totally sounded like half the themes of Supernatural.

Emily: So, is there an issue with legitimacy in academia with the kind of research you’re doing still? Studying fans?

Kathy: Definitely. Actually where we started from, there was theorizing going on, but there didn’t seem to be a whole lot of correlation between what academics were theorizing and what fans were really doing. They weren’t talking to the fans, or when they did, it was sort of like ‘let’s go into the community and see how fans live in the wild.’

Lynn: Sort of like look at them through a microscope, but we’re not them.

Emily: My husband wrote on global reception of the LOTR. I haven’t read the books thoroughly, but I listen to his interviews about the books, but to me it was very detached research, they gave surveys to fans all over the world. They weren’t necessarily the questions I would ask.

Lynn: We wanted to do it differently, because lots of researchers were taking that detached stance. We wanted to fess up our fan sides too, and write from that perspective.

Emily: That’s a very gendered kind of response, don’t you think? But to me it’s much more interesting what you guys do.

Lynn: It is pretty interesting! And speaking of interesting, before you filmed the first episode of Supernatural, did you know about fanfiction? Did you know what Becky was writing?

Emily: I knew that fanfic was out there. I hadn’t read any of it for Supernatural. I have a friend who writes fanfic, but it’s about the sci fi fantasy books she reads, so I’d read that, but I hadn’t read fanfic from a tv show. And I used to write about Star Trek.

Lynn: Did you know what Wincest was, or did someone have to tell you?

Emily: No, but I kinda figured it out from the lines. I was like, what is this? Actually it made the show really attractive to me, I was like ooh, this show is like fucking with itself, that is so cool.

Kathy: It is!

Emily: It was so brilliant. I mean, look at how far we’ve come, here are two guys – Jared and Jensen — who are able to laugh at their own performance of masculinity. It’s like admitting that masculinity itself is a performance, or it’s like one hair’s breadth away from admitting that. I wonder if Jared and Jensen see it that way. Do you think they see it as like questioning masculinity and femininity as intrinsic qualities of human beings? Do they see it?

Lynn: Well, there’s so much about gender roles and sexuality in Crossroads, so they must have thought about it when they read that.

Kathy: And I think they get it to the extent that they are objectified, and there are even lines in the show that have played on that – Jensen coming down the stairs in a tux looking gorgeous and this woman’s staring at him and he says, don’t objectify me – so there’s that sense, and you can’t be an actor and not think about it.

Emily: I think that’s really symptomatic of here and now, this cultural moment that we’re in, which is so far removed from 30 years ago. There are some actors, some men who are able to like laugh at themselves, play with the idea of themselves being an object, which is traditionally a female role. Although maybe I’m wrong, maybe there were some examples then too.

Lynn: When we interviewed Jensen, there were times when he was resisting being objectified as the only reason for fans watching the show, he was invested in ‘fans don’t just like the show because of how we look’ – which is true, that’s definitely not the only reason fans watch the show.

Kathy: Chad Lindberg, on the other hand, when he was an up and coming actor, was aware that he wasn’t being objectified in those ways, because he kept getting told ‘you’re not leading man material’, or whatever, and he was constantly being told that it’s a problem if you’re not.

Lynn: Actors seem to have a love/hate relationship with objectification. It’s obvious what it can do for you, but also obvious that if you buy into it too much, there’s a cost.

Emily: It’s like wanting to make those right career moves so you can show you’re a serious actor, not just a piece of meat.

Lynn: I remember Jared was telling us that he doesn’t even want to hear about how fans feel about his hair, not even if they love it, because then he’d worry about it, or it might change his way of playing Sam. Actors have to negotiate all that physicality.

Emily: I think if people just realized, it wouldn’t be so attractive. Like I kinda wonder why do young people want to be actors? I think if I hadn’t started as a child, there’s no way I would’ve wanted to be an actor. Even at 16 or 17 I think I was aware of the issues for actors, but because I started when I was a child and so innocent… I would never want my kids to be actors. People think that celebrities are at the top of the pyramid, but really it’s not that way at all. Actors are the ones that have the least control on the set. Talk about being infantilized, having someone do everything for you, the other side of that is you’re not able to control or make your own decisions, everything, your hair even. So you really are the object, even on a physical level you’re the object of attention of like 70 people, all their attention comes down to you. You can’t be late. The show cannot go on. There really is this intense focus and pressure.

Lynn: And unlike the director, it’s all on you physically.

Emily: Yes, you as a person.

Kathy: One of the actors in the film My Big Break – a great documentary on fame – Wes Bentley, and it’s right after he catapulted to fame in American Beauty, and there’s a moment where he’s talking about how people started treating him differently, and he says “It used to be if I said shit, people would tell me. Now I can say anything and no one’s gonna question me or say hey you’re being a jerk, stop it.”

And with that, we turned off the tape recorder and headed out for some dinner, still chatting about what a unique show Supernatural is. We all agreed that Jared and Jensen have somehow escaped many of the traps of celebrity and stayed grounded and down to earth. Maybe that’s because they do call each other on their shit. And, like Dean and Sam, they keep each other human.

Keeping it real. Photo by Lizz Sisson
Keeping it real. Photo by Lizz Sisson
And keeping each other human. Photo Liz Sisson
And keeping each other human. Photo Liz Sisson

[Please credit photos to Lizz Sisson and FangasmSPN]

We’re headed to VanCon in a few weeks – stay tuned for convention coverage and interviews. And follow us on Twitter @FangasmSPN for live tweets and pics from the con!

14 thoughts on “Supernatural’s Emily Perkins Gets Real – About Actors, Objectification, Jared and Jensen

  • This is a great interview. Sounded like you all really hit it off. Another person that would be very interesting to sit and chat with.

  • Excellent interview, ladies — and I mean all three of you! I’m glad to get insights into Emily’s take on Becky. It doesn’t make me — as a female fan uncomfortably feeling fandom shame — any happier about how the character of Becky was used in the show, especially in season seven, but I’m delighted to realize I would love to spend time with Emily!

  • Wow, now that’s an interview! So interesting and with such depth. I loved this.

    I love that Jensen is convinced the show is about so much more than objectification of the guys. My own feeling is that viewers, both male and female, respond to Sam and Dean according to how their own place in their family relationships resonates with one of the guys, whether as a brother or a child. Sam girls and Dean girls aren’t so much responding to height or freckles, as they are to being the eldest with so much responsibility or being the youngest and needing to stand on their own or feeling like they don’t fit in or feeling like they give more than they receive or . . . all the incredible notes Supernatural has played over the years. Despite the supernatural trappings, the relationships feel real. I think that’s one reason Spn’s fans are so invested. They invest a lot of themselves in the story.

  • This was really interesting! You certainly have depth and perspective, which I expected! What was greatest about it from my perspective was the depth and perspective that Emily brought to the interview. It is clear that she is really bright! I have always thought she is excellent as Becky. To learn that she is thoughtful and concerned with issues of cultural phenomenon was great! Kudos to all of you!

  • I loved reading this! It really changes the way I viewed Actors. I mean, I love Supernatural with all my heart and it isn’t just because Jared and Jensen are freaking attractive; it’s the storyline. The fact that the brothers rely on one another and no matter what always seem to stick by their brother no matter what happens or what they other did wrong. It gives great life lessons and I just is an incredible show! And I am one of those fans that did not care for Becky, but then again loved her because she made me look back at myself as a fan. I write fanfics myself, but I mean Becky is just one interesting character. I loved the way Emily plays her and how she gets into the role and makes it so believable.

  • Another awesome interview giving us great depth behind why we love the show and the boys so much! I certainly hope Jensen and Jared know that we love them and the show because of their talent and who they are, not because of how they look. My dirty secret is that I initially dismissed Jensen as just another ‘pretty boy’ back when he first hit the scene in Days of Our Lives. Sure, he seemed like a sweet kid, but definitely not interested!

    One glimpse of him as Alec on Dark Angel and I knew he was so much more than just a gorgeous guy! It was his talent that hooked me, that drew me in and made me want to not only know all I could about the characters he so brilliantly brings to life, but also (as reports of what a down-to-earth guy he was surfaced), I wanted to know more about his work and who he was as a person. Ditto for Jared.

    It truly is their bond, both as Sam and Dean, and as best friends that sparks the appeal. Add in all those great philosophical questions, not to mention the action, thrills, laughs and scares, and Supernatural has everything one might go looking for. It makes me furious when outsiders imply we watch because the boys are hot! Style with no substance is a pretty boring diet. No danger of that here!

    Emily sounds delightful and quite intelligent and thoughtful herself! I’m probably one of the few who didn’t object to Becky. I never took her as an example of who I am as a fan. It’s always nice to know that somehow Supernatural manages to cast the best actors. Not only in talent, but also in humility and just staying grounded. Her comments about how abnormal the life of an actor can be really illuminates why so many lose their way. It’s nice to know we never have to worry about our boys!

    Thanks again, always a pleasure!


  • I’m of the school that liked Becky. They took it a little far with her roofie-ing Sam, but in general, I like her. Like Emily, I loved that Show was “fucking with itself” and us too. (I figure, hey, with all we dish out at Show, we’ve got to be able to take it as well.)

    And I would’ve thought it impossible to like Jensen and Jared even more, but every time I hear from people who have actually worked with them, they seem even more awesome.

    Great interview all around!

  • This was amazing. And got me to thinking not so Supernaturally thoughts. Mainly that your interviews with actors/actresses all tend to lean toward a more intelligent note. I’ve never seen this elsewhere to such an extent. I’m sure this is mostly due to the type of questions you ask, but I’m starting to wonder if these entertainment professionals have their own reaction to speaking with you as academic professionals.

    “Teacher’s in the house, better put my smarts on display.”

    You know, a sort of putting on their best side to best impress.

    You seem to have a consistent response from the Supernatural actors you’ve interviewed, something you’ve noted yourself. Is it really because of superb casting, or just that the public doesn’t usually get to see that side of actors because of the culture and expectations surrounding interviews with actors?

    I’m not saying that the interviewed actors might all have a different unpleasant face. Instead I mean that cultural expectations have actors painted on a whole as unpleasant and entitled so that when they exceed these expectations by being, well, normal, we (or at lease I) respond with pleased surprise. This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t love the opportunity to sit down with one or many of the Supernatural actors for coffee, a drink or a meal; but taking a step back, I could probably have a similar pleasant conversation with many of my friends, acquaintances or strangers off the street.

    It seems that this reaction of pleasure at finding a person who acts to have intelligence and kindness further infantilizes them. A sort of paternalistic patting on the head. “Oh you’re human! Good job!” Not that I don’t support positive reinforcement, but it does seem to feed into the idolization of actors.

    Well, no matter really. I wholly buy into it and am thrilled that Emily has proven herself to be such a pleasant person. And I still got warm fuzzies and proud beamings when she spoke of the boys. Sigh…Jared puppy-dog eyes.

    Guess that just means I’m a fan and like to see my fanishness supported by positivity.

    • “This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t love the opportunity to sit down with one or many of the Supernatural actors for coffee, a drink or a meal; but taking a step back, I could probably have a similar pleasant conversation with many of my friends, acquaintances or strangers off the street.”

      I just discovered Supernatural a couple of months ago, and I’ve found myself getting rather fannish about Misha Collins in particular. And then I had a rather similar thought – if I just happened to meet this guy, he would fit right in to my friend group. Maybe he’d be the one with more crazy ideas, and not quite as lazy as some of us (me), but my friends really are pretty awesome. And then what does that say about the rest of them, those standard issue famous people who are so much less delightful than he? Not the other Supernatural people, of course, they all seem rather wonderful and strange, and I’ll be saving up for a convention next year – my first one of any variety (wheee!).

  • Great interview! I think this might just be my fav you’ve ever done. Emily definitely sounds like someone I’d love to sit down and chat with, and I’m really looking forward to seeing her at VanCon.

    Hopefully I run into you guys too! 🙂

  • Great interview with Emily. I’m sadder even more now that we won’t have get to see her this year at Dallas Con. Her panel would have been fantastic.

  • This is the third time I’ve read this particular post. I have a young up and coming actor in my family and I find the idea of fandom so fascinating. I have been a fan of Supernatural since season 2 and entered fandom shortly there after. It’s my one and only experience with fandom and I consider it my education so that we understand more of what my son is getting into.

    I identify so much with what Emily says about actors. When my son says he wants to be an actor, the first thing people in the industry do is take a long, hard look at his face then say, “You’re leading material, you’ll do alright.” Then they ask him to stand up and grin happily when all 6′ 2″ of him stands and is rail thin. “Yep, you’ll do just fine.” It’s superficial and strange to experience. Luckily he’s very aware that it’s a physical experience and one that he can’t take personnally – for now at least.

    The other thing that struck me the first time I read this was Emily’s remark on the infanatalizing of actors. It’s unbelievably true. In my son’s fisrt short, a film school project, he wasn’t allowed to pick up a notebook that had just been knocked out of his hand – even though in the scene, he’s bending to pick it up before they end scene. As the “talent” he was not allowed to do anything for himself.

    It’s such a strange world and I can do several things in order to help my son navigate it. One of those things is to read your book, “Fandom at the Crossroads” so that we have an understanding of what he is getting himself into. Especially as it seems that these days fandom is expanding out of genre shows and into more mainstream shows…maybe its always been that way and I just wasn’t aware.

    Thank you so much for this posting. It was enlightening to know how working actors feel about these things and to know that my son can enter this world and not end up destroyed. I hope to learn even more when I get the opportunity to read your book.

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